Title |
Petition For Naturalization |
Source ID |
S158 |
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Abraham, Berta
Albersheim, Walter Julius Jr.
Alexander, Rosalia
Alpern, Earl Stuart
Alpern, Hale Nissan
Alpern, Marilyn
Alpern, Milton Boris
Antin, Julius
Arost, Annie
Arost, Harry Paul
Arost, Henry
Arost, Jacob
Arost, Jean
Arost, Oscar
Arost, Sylvia
Atkin, Evelyn
Bachenheimer, Else Marion
Bachrach, Gloria
Bagley, Isabel
Bagley, Joseph
Balaban, Annie
Balaban, Benjamin
Balaban, Charlotte
Balaban, David
Balaban, Jeanette Edith
Balaban, Katie
Balaban, Martin
Balaban, Samuel
Ballaban, Zeev
Beissinger, Walter M.
Bendetson, William
Benedek, Agnes
Bermann, Mark William
Berney, Henry David
Bialistotski, Fanny
Bierig, Arnold
Bierig, Jeffrey David
Biller, Dorie Jean
Black, Ronald Richard
Black, Ruth Claire
Block, Manfred
Bloom, Leila
Bluestone, Aaron
Blum, Freidrich
Boettigheimer, Herman
Brasch, Gerson
Breuer, Henry
Burten, Marvin Felix
Butensky, Emanuel
Caine, Sherry Lorine
Camitta, Amy Beth
[More individuals]
Family: Garfinkel, Morris and Dunsky, Hadassah
Family: Sichel, Emil and Holzmann, Ruth
Family: Sichel, Theo (Theodore) and Wetzler, Alice
Family: Mendel, Kurt and Sichel, Helene "Leni"
Family: Smith, Eric and Moos, Lotte
Family: Maier, Joseph (Josef) and Wolff, Regina
Family: Gara, Otto Gabriel and Benedek, Agnes
Family: Margalit, Chaim Baruch and Ocharimovski, Naomi
Family: Gould, Harry Leo and Leavitt, Adelaide
Family: Silverman, Otto and Feiczewicz, Rebeccah
Family: Essenoff, Simon and Dunsky, Millie
Family: Kitzes, Joseph and Fishman, Nellie
Family: Dunsky, Mortimer and Pomerantz, Anna
Family: Wenton, Julius Fred and Simon, Elsie Emma
Family: Wenton, Julius Fred and Wuertenberg, Margarete
Family: Krause, Theodore and Strauss, Greta
Family: Diamond, Louis Joseph and Collins, Pauline
Family: Biller, Robert and Raczychi, Sosza Liba
Family: Corton, Henry Harold and Schwabacher, Eva Lore
Family: Marx, Emil and Loewenstein, Bertel
Family: Brasch, Gerson and Strauss, Sophie
Family: Mannheimer, Gustav and Mergentheimer, Felicetas
Family: Moeller, Paul Eugen and Strauss, Hattie Louise
Family: Gollack, Albert and Bachrach, Gloria
Family: Pearson, Samuel Stanley Henry and Bloom, Leila
Family: Bermann, Camille and Kahn, Lisl
Family: Dreyfuss, Max and Wahle, Bertha
Family: Westheimer, Louis and Weil, Friedel Newman
Family: Alpern, Milton Boris and Nathanson, Henrietta
Family: Fendrick, Samuel and Kitzes, Anna
Family: Gates, Gunther Gerald and Ottenheimer, Gretel
Family: Frydman, George and Vennitsky, Kassia
Family: Kitsis, Joseph and Oxman, Yetta
Family: Bierig, Arnold and Newman, Esther Elsbeth
Family: Kahn, Julius and Wertheim, Martha
Family: Kitzis, Morris and Zussman, Chana Leja
Family: Mergentheimer, Erwin and Goldschmidt, Martha
Family: Hahn, Leo and Strauss, Elsa
Family: Kitzis, Solomon and Silver, Esther
Family: Arost, Herman Simon and Murachver, Lillian
Family: Rosenthal, Siegmund and Siegel, Flora
Family: Savransky, Max and Kitzes, Esther
Family: Goldman, Henry and Chamy, Suzanne Shoshana
Family: Graber, Jacob and Ehrlich, Basha
Family: Mannheimer, Simon and Frank, Meta
Family: Goldenhar, Jack Mortimer and Greenfield, Ruth
Family: Blum, Freidrich and Abraham, Berta
Family: Dunsky, Mojzesz Jacob and Fastenberg, Perel
Family: Cohen, Henry Dunn and Peltzman, Roslyn
Family: Rosenthal, Friedrich and Dorlass, Johanna Margarethe Elisabeth Mathilde
Family: Rosenthal, Julius and Margulis, Erna
[More families] |