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Building a Family Tree for all variations of
Kitces, Keces, Keses, Kitzes, Ketzis, Kitzis, Kicis, Kitsis, Chitis, and Кицис
As well as
Charest, Pearson, Gordon, Westheimer, Greenwald, Simon, Rohr, Dunsky




Matches 1 to 7 of 7

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 Blackman, Morris  19 Feb 1889Ukraine I29658
2 Fich, Boruch  15 Aug 1892Ukraine I7786
3 Fridman, Blume  Abt 1877Ukraine I31621
4 Jaratz, Iza  Abt 1901Ukraine I21779
5 Lisker, Bella Minya  1877Ukraine I18518
6 Lisker, Celia  Jan 1889Ukraine I29659
7 Rappaportt, David  1878Ukraine I21633


Matches 1 to 7 of 7

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Died    Person ID 
1 Grigoriev, Ira  17 Nov 2005Ukraine I2189
2 Kamenitsky, Baba Rose  Bef 1906Ukraine I15185
3 Kitzes, Atif  1925Ukraine I2073
4 Kitzes, Batya  Ukraine I2077
5 Kitzes, Shlomo  Ukraine I489
6 Rabinowitz, Norman  Bef 1922Ukraine I18654
7 Weinstein, Herz  Bef 1921Ukraine I20203


Matches 1 to 1 of 1

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID 
1 Kherst, Sheina Rachel  1941Ukraine I16882


Matches 1 to 12 of 12

   Family    Married    Family ID 
1 Antin / Kamenitsky  Abt 1881Ukraine F5446
2 Balaban / Kitzes  Abt 1880Ukraine F7600
3 Dorman / Bernstein  Ukraine F5362
4 Dorman / Kamenetsky  26 Mar 1902Ukraine F4256
5 Kelmanson / Dorman  Ukraine F7249
6 Kitzes / Cohen  Abt 1898Ukraine F7640
7 Kitzes / Dorman  Abt 1888Ukraine F6708
8 Kitzes / Nirenberg  Ukraine F4625
9 Kitzes / Tzoliss  Ukraine F4050
10 Kitzis / Zussman  9 Feb 1918Ukraine F6055
11 Popelowsky / Tishkoff  Ukraine F6722
12 Weinstein / Gitzis  Abt 1879Ukraine F7702