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Building a Family Tree for all variations of
Kitces, Keces, Keses, Kitzes, Ketzis, Kitzis, Kicis, Kitsis, Chitis, and Кицис
As well as
Charest, Pearson, Gordon, Westheimer, Greenwald, Simon, Rohr, Dunsky

Family: Rosenthal, Liebmann / Strauss, Sara (F6280)

Family Chart     |    PDF

Strauss, Moyses
Male (1829-1901)
Dreifuss, Karolina
Female (1820-1896)
Strauss, Berez
Male (1858- )
Strauss, Sophie
Female (1857-1858)
Strauss, Leopold
Male (1856-1885)
Straus, Gustave
Male (1862-1930)
Strauss, Clara
Female (1861-1861)
Strauss, Sara
Female (1859-1860)
Rosenthal, Liebmann
Male (1864-1944)
Strauss, Sara
Female (1865-1899)
Rosenthal, Siegmund
Male (1892-1947)
Rosenthal, Fanny
Female (1890-1918)