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Family: Frohlich, Leopold / Wyrick, Beatrice (F12661)

m. 15 Aug 1901

Family Chart     |    PDF

Froehlich, Ludwig
Male (1833-1911)
Kohlberg, Friederike
Female (1834-1905)
Froehlich, Jacob
Male (1863-1932)
Froehlich, Adolph
Male (1872-1946)
Frohlich, Maximilian
Male (1858-1941)
Froehlich, Amalie
Female (1877-1879)
Froehlich, Leon
Male (1864-1864)
Frohlich, Elias
Male (1861-1921)
Froehlich, Rosalie
Female (1866-1957)
Frohlich, Leopold
Male (1869-1923)
Wyrick, Beatrice
Female (1881-1971)
Frohlich, Adrea
Female (1905-1899)
Frohlich, Rosalia
Female (1908-1976)